Welcome to IT Consulting & Services
IT Consulting & Services focuses on supporting Clients in Singapore and in the Regional SME sector with effective IT solutions.
In the last 12 months we have entered into agreements to sell and support IT Products that are part of the SME solution set. Mako Networks Security Appliances, BEFET - Bulk Email facility
with Email Tracking in the Cloud and SMX - spam and virus cleaning in the cloud.
There are three distinct trends driving the IT Market, Cloud, Bring Your Own Device BYOD and the explosion of the Tablet/iPad hardware in the market.
The characteristics of Cloud seem to be clear - currently Governments, Banks, Insurance and Finance companies are not embracing the cloud. However many in the
SME sector are moving to this type of model.
The BYOD trend - Bring your own device is probably the largest threat to the Security in the view of many
MNC's CIO's - however in the SME market it is just happening and CEO's and staff buy the latest cool device and connect.
The explosive growth of
Tablets/iPads, this to me is a consumer revenue model and the major players are Amazon, Apple and well Google and with Windows 8, Microsoft. Did Apple create a
consumer gated community on the web with iTunes and idevices. Time will tell.......
Mako Networks - Security Appliances - 6500, 7550, 8875 and the CMS - Central Management System, the magic of the Mako System
In September 2012, IT Consulting & Services signed an agreement with Mako Networks of New Zealand to sell and support Mako Networks
security appliances, internet gateways and VPN Concentrators and its Central Management System in Singapore.
The Mako Networks Security Appliances are designed to provide internet Gateways for:
- business offices,
- remote sites and
- general use, where
security is a high priority. The models comes in versions for an ADSL connection or for a ethernet connection to a fiber network
Different models provide for 3G failover or dual unit installation for failover configurations with automatic restore, independant LAN ports and an independant
WiFi LAN, certified firewall both inbound and outbound, three (3) Click VPN's. Extensive Reports sent to your email account on a set periodic basis or on an Ad Hoc basis.
The Magic of the Mako Networks Security Appliance is the Central Management System - CMS, this feature allows for access 24 * 7 the ability to configure,
reconfigure, update, interragate, report, create VPNs use Web Guardian to manage access to web sites, restrict access through black lists and white lists.
For a comprehensive list of the feature of each Mako Network Appliance and the Central Management System - CMS:
Mako Networks Security Applicance 6500

Mako Networks Security Applicance 7550

Mako Networks Security Applicance 8875

Mako Networks Central Management System

For more information on Mako Networks Security Appliance and the CMS - Central Management System then please contacts ITCS in Singapore;
- eMail: sales@itcs.sg
- Office: +65 6650 8750
ITCS Consulting
ITCS provided advice on different aspects of IT Infrastructure, Software and Business Applications. Many clients who while familiar with IT, are not used to dealing
with vendors and not in need of IT staff on a full time basis. ITCS provide Consultanting Services to meet client requirements on a broad basis. We will undertake Marketing,
Surveys, Project Conceptualisation, Specification Preparation, Vender Analysis, Vendor Selection, Project Management to Commissioning Services.
Please review the Consulting section of ITCS Web Site
ITCS Services
In some situations where there are unique requirements, client require high touch service engagements or clients require that ITCS undertake the supply of services,
like building website and updating, mail services, application operations support.
If you have a need for IT Services - please do not hesitate to Contact Us
ITCS In the Market
Mako Networks range of Products and Services
Mako offers four Network Appliances, two of these the 6500-E and the 6500-A2 are targeted at small sites and businesses, the Mako 7550 is for larger sites
with additional capibilities as a Virtual Private Network Concentrator and as a High Throughput Gateway.
The Mako 8875 for the data centre and is designed for
high availability, a Virtual Private Network Concentrator and as a High Throughput Gateway. Some of these applicances have more fucntionality
by adding additional licenses and all can be part of a Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PCI-DSS certified systems to level 1.
Go to information on Mako Networks 6550-E and 6550-A2 Network Security
Appliance with 3G fail over
Go to information on Mako Networks 7550 Network Security
Appliance and VPN Concentrator
Go to information on Mako Networks 8875 Network Security
Appliance and VPN Concentrator
Go to information on
Mako Networks- CMS Central Management System
ITCS Achieves Google #1 ranking for "visa specialist" - 10 Jan 11
ITCS had been undertaking wseb site updates and SEO work for Ambler Collins Visa Specialists in the UK for several years. The
business is very competitive.
In January 2011 Ambler Collins became first for "visa specialist" in Googles SERP results. A year later it was still in the top two position.
More details on the IT Services page
BEFET - Bulk Email Facility with Email tracking in the Cloud - Version 2 release in the next Quarter
ITCS will release BEFET V2 in the next Quarter - Licensed by Domain Name and designed to be compliant with the Singapore Spam law.
- List management - removes mulitiple email addresses
- Unsubscribe Mechanism with and email account
- Send text and Html messages
- Attachments can be sent from your computer or from the cloud
- Personalisation "Dear John"
- Opening tracking from the Cloud
- with more
For the comprehensive list of features please and our terms check out our
Bulk Email Facility with Email Tracking section.